Knight Group of Companies Matching Gift of $450,000 Ensures Cancer Patients Have A Home-Away-From-Home

Knight Group of Companies logo.Regina, SK – The Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan (Foundation) is honoured to announce a matching gift of $450,000 from the Knight Group of Companies (Knight) to the Regina Cancer Patient Lodge Renewal Campaign (Lodge).

“I think we all know someone who has cancer, and unfortunately for some of us, it is closer to home than we would ever want it to be. This is an important donation for us. We’re honoured to be a part of this campaign and to support rural Saskatchewan,” said Kevin Knight, President of the Knight Group of Companies.

Being diagnosed with cancer is devastating. But imagine needing to travel for your treatment on top of everything else. The financial, physical and emotional burden can take its toll. The Lodge is there to help. This home-away-from-home, across the street from the Allan Blair Cancer Centre (ABCC), provides cancer patients and their families peace of mind during one of the scariest times in their lives.

“Our company puts people first. It is something my father believed in when he started this company. Today that sentiment means as much to us as it ever did. When we heard about the need for the cancer patient lodge in Regina and the fact it supports our customers in southern Saskatchewan, we jumped on board. We are partners in the communities we serve and this is a way we can give back to all those in southern Saskatchewan.,” says Kevin Knight.

For $40 a night, cancer patients needing to travel and stay in Regina while undergoing treatment or diagnostic testing at the ABCC can stay at the Lodge. The cost includes three meals a day. The 28-bed facility is a mix of single and double occupancy allowing for partners or support people to stay with the patient.

The Lodge is now 35 years old and showing its age. Upgrades are needed including, replacing the original elevator, installing a stairlift, and upgrading lighting and flooring. Replacing the bathroom fixtures and patient room furniture are also priorities.

Because of this incredible gift and the caring of people in Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (SCA), who operate the Lodge, was able to expand the scope of the project. The amount needed to include all the upgrades is $1.3 million. Thanks to the Knight Group of Companies only $250,000 is left to be raised.

“We are so grateful and proud to partner with the Knight Group of Companies. They truly care about the people of Saskatchewan and their matching gift is one example of their generosity, ” said Foundation CEO Nora Yeates. “They have inspired our donors to give and together, in true Saskatchewan fashion, have created a groundswell of support to make sure this home-away-from-home is going to be there for years to come.”

Last year the Lodge accommodated more than 3,700 room nights. Over its history, patients from more than 200 Saskatchewan communities have stayed at the Lodge.

You can support the Regina Cancer Patient Lodge Renewal Campaign by donating here: