SARCAN Drop & Go

Skip the line and save your patience,
Drop & Go for cancer patients!

Drop & Go allows you to skip lineups by leaving your recycling at any Saskatchewan SARCAN depot and getting your refund transferred electronically. This is obviously great for the environment – and even better – you can donate your refund to support cancer patients in Saskatchewan!

Follow these easy steps:

  1. At home, separate your plastics, cartons and aluminum cans into bags, and sort glass beverage containers into boxes. Don’t forget to remove all the caps!
  2. Visit your local SARCAN depot and look for Drop & Go. For a full list of locations, click here.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Type Cancer when prompted to enter the group phrase.
  4. The amount of your refund will be processed and paid directly to the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan to benefit cancer care in our province.

We are Stronger Together.

Every dollar donated to the Foundation is used to enhance cancer care for the people and communities of Saskatchewan.
Donate Now